TMS Aspires: The Society's Strategic Plan

TMS Aspires is the strategic plan for The Minerals, Metals, & Materials Society. Developed using input from the TMS Board of Directors and other volunteer and staff leaders, the TMS Aspires Strategic Plan comprises four goals, each of which is supported by a suite of objectives and tactics.

Goal 1.
TMS aspires to be a highly inclusive society where all materials students and professionals feel welcome, and diversity is celebrated.


  • TMS Resolves to Diversify the TMS Community.
  • TMS Resolves to Infuse TMS Norms and Culture with Inclusionary Practices.
  • TMS Resolves to Train TMS Volunteers to be Effective and Inclusive Leaders.
  • TMS Resolves to Bring Equity to Committee Engagement by Virtualization and Other Tools.

Goal 2.
TMS aspires to be the place where global materials practitioners come together and participate in vibrant annual meetings, specialty conferences, courses, student activities, and other events.


  • Implement the TMS Connects Vision and Guidelines to Frame the TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition as the Place Where Global Materials Practitioners Come Together.
  • TMS Reduces Event Proliferation and Expands Opportunities for Collegial Collaboration.
  • Maintain and Build the "TMS Fall Meeting" within MS&T as an Indispensable Event Element.

Goal 3.
TMS aspires to be the society that envisions, defines, and enables the future by gathering and empowering materials experts to scope the future of materials science, engineering, and technology.


  • Add to the Portfolio of TMS-Led Workshops, Studies, and Reports that Are Defining the Future of the Profession.
  • Maintain and expand TMS leadership in ICME, 3DMS, Additive Manufacturing and Other Emerging Materials and Manufacturing Technologies.

Goal 4.
TMS aspires to be a society that empowers industry to be at the leading edge of science and engineering.


  • Enhance Industrial Participation and Experiences in TMS Events.
  • Enhance Industrial Participation in Other TMS Activities and Offerings.

Explore the TMS website to see how the society is working to reach these goals through diversity and inclusion initiatives, upcoming meeting plans, TMS studies, and more.