Congressional Visits Days

To make effective decisions about public policy related to science and engineering issues, public officials often need the counsel of experts in a variety of subject areas. TMS believes that its members are uniquely qualified to offer useful perspectives to government leaders on issues of public policy pertaining to minerals, metals, and materials. One way that TMS works to promote good science in policy is by arranging for TMS members to visit the offices of U.S. congressional leaders to provide insight on science and technology policy issues.

Board and Committee Congressional Visits Days

Approximately once a year, TMS arranges for members of its leadership and other involved TMS members to visit the offices of U.S. congressional leaders and key congressional committees to offer their expertise on science and technology issues. TMS leaders typically meet in person with six to eight offices and engage in dialogue about issues of importance to the materials community.

Material Advantage Congressional Visits Days

Each spring, TMS and its partner societies in the Material Advantage student program, send a delegation of students, faculty members, and other interested participants to Washington D.C. to participate in the Science-Engineering-Technology Congressional Visit Days (CVD). 

The CVD is a two-day annual event that brings scientists, engineers, researchers, educators, and technology executives to Washington to raise visibility and support for science, engineering, and technology. Uniquely multi-sector and multi-disciplinary, the CVD is coordinated by coalitions of companies, professional societies and educational institutions and it is open to all who believe that science and technology comprise the cornerstone of our Nation's future.

TMS coordinates its participation the CVD through the Material Advantage student program, but TMS encourages all of its members to voice their support for increased federal funding of research and development in the physical sciences by joining in Congressional Visit Days. Learn more about past participation and future opportunities through the Material Advantage blog.